19 February 2011

Woes of the Rating Model

We've seen this sort of thing happen with too many of our favorite tv shows (you know the ones with which I speak, since we all loved them). These are the sorts of shows that we love every aspect of and use as a conversational piece via "did you see the new episode off Netflix/Hulu?"

Notice the conversational piece didn't mention the tv? That was on purpose. Rating a show's success or failure on the ratings of *when it aired* is a dinosaur model that needs to be banished. The alternative is to get all of the previous generations that still watch television into the shows that we love, but I really don't think they enjoy the same things we do based on what doesn't get cancelled.

Also notice that "we" describes my generation, which is also on purpose. We love "Fringe", don't we? I was just getting done reading about Joshua Jackson trying to garner support by getting the populous to watch it when it airs on Friday. It appears the ratings haven't been doing well lately. Fox doesn't have a good track record when it comes to keeping shows out of the goodness of its cold, black heart, but then it is a television station. I'm also looking at a different station (is it CBS?) with disdain for cancelling my previous favorite show "Legend of the Seeker", but the box art for season 2 says "and Last Season," so there isn't any hope of that one being revived...

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