02 February 2013

Overcomplicating the Simple Things II: Sub-Menus

I spent most of the day relaxing, but I figured I'd return at the end of the day to at least get the Sub-menus functioning. It's far from perfect from a visual standpoint while the game is running, perhaps, but functionally it's solid and looks really clean in the code. I added a few Sub-menus and a new option for the Main Menu since this morning -- 'Statistics'. The Sub-menu items at this point are really just placeholders until I get farther along in the project and figure out what I desire to add to the Statistics display and what items should be customizable with the game.

For just a snapshot of how making menus with Sub-menus in my code looks, here's a sample of the whole Statistics MenuItem class (I did also change the text of all the existing classes from 'MenuOption' to 'MenuItem' after I became painfully aware of that from my last post):

When the game is running, the Main Menu currently looks like this when the Statistics menu item has been selected:

When a sub-menu is closed by pressing B on the 360 controller, the Main Menu's state is still retained, so Stats is still highlighted and all that jazz. The sub-menu is its own animal to control.

I will revisit the Main Menu in the future for further refinement, but now my concern is how I wish to handle the 'Start' for entering the game. I realize some games have a sub-menu for game modes, but I'm also thinking of Dungeon Defenders, where starting a game only has character selection, and game modes are determined when levels are selected... I quite like that model, actually, and may nab it. So next time, look forward to a Character Selection update!

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